Today is the lazy day that I am referring to, not the day depicted in the photos! Which was a very busy day indeed, but good. I think the Open House went very well and was pleased with the turn out. Not a monstrous crowd but just a steady stream of people all day. It was nice and we made some money. Which is always good!
I didn't mean to go so long between posting but I have just been working long hours getting ready, cleaning up the yard and hauling gravel on the drive etc. It looks great around here now though! 'Frazzle' is a southern term btw, in case ya'll are wondering!

Crow Valley is not going to be the official name of my business but just one I threw out there for time being. It is pretty accurate though and the resident crows were out in force for our visitors yesterday.

Fred brought down all kinds of great knitted scarves and such he has made. They were popular. I have a scarf he made for me last year and I love to wear it. It's the fuzzy kind and very snuggly.

Rurality was here with her fabulous Natural Impulse handmade soaps! She has a website (Google Natural Impulse) where you can go and get some great holiday gifts.

I had a pretty good selection of pottery and people seemed pleased with it. And, I still have a fair selection if anybody is needing some gifts still. I may put up a few pics later.

And we had food and hot drinks; it was fun. Some old friends came that had not seen the house and Allen gave a little tour. People were very complimentary and that made me feel good.
And since the place is so well cleaned now, it gives me a lot of enthusiasm to start finishing some stuff on the house. I may finish and paint that blank wall in the kitchen next!
So, today I have been a slug. And I have enjoyed my slugness. It has turned off quite cold and I have lolled about in bed, watching a light snow fall outside all day. I did cook a nice breakfast of homemade biscuits and sausage but for the most part Allen and I have just been enjoying the warmth of hugs and a good fire in the stove. I am about to bundle up and check on things in the garden. Perhaps walk down the drive and check out the creek.
This past week I did manage to pour the countertop in the pantry, so I'll put that post up soon. I think it came out well and looks great with the cabinet I had made.
Glad it turned out well, especially since this was the first time. Events like this will build when the folks can come back year after year. They'll bring their friends if you do it again next year. :)
I am glad it went well! I would have liked to have been there. All the products looked well made and beautiful.
Glad it went so well and you wound up tired,but happy.
I'm certainly glad that things went well, and you had a good crowd show up!
May just be the start of something good, right?
Very nice. Maybe you can have this again. The drivewat looks SO good too.
Remove that "insufferabe" term from your labels. Definitely not justified. Who better to promote your gems than yourself?
I'd like to know more about Fred's talent for making the scarves. How snuggly they look. What's the cost for them?
A very nice display of Rurality's soaps. Beginning to feel everyone there are pros.
Go, go, go an the best of luck to all of you.
Really good post!
wish I were closer, looks like a great day, good work, nicely presented with good food and good people--yaaaay, do it again :)
Hey Gin! thanks! yeah, we are already talking about when would be a good time to do it again!
Hey IR! thanks! yeah, I wish lots of my readers were closer and could have come by.
Hey FC! thanks!!
Hey Jim! thanks! yeah, I think this might work out well for a once or twice a year thing!
Hey Sissy! thanks! Fred's scarves are like from $12-15. very affordable and they feel wonderful. I'll put them up for a closer look in a post soon.
Thanks again!
Hey Page! thanks! yeah, wish you could have come by; it was a good time!
We went to an open house this weekend by a local craftsperson who also shares his studio with several other artists fror this annual holiday event. It was a slow turnout compared to previous years we've gone - maybe a sign of the economy. We tried ourselves to a small watercolor painting by an artist we know. We would have been there for your open house if we only loved closer. First time events are always hard, but once word of mouth works well when those who stopped in help spread the word. Nice stuff too.
Hey Beatrice! yeah, I think once we do this a few times it might turn into something really good and profitable.
I wish several of ya'll were closer 'cause I know ya'll would be supportive. :D
We got our package!
It's sitting waiting for Christmas, when we will open it.
Thank you!
Hey Jenn! Great! oh, I was hoping you would go ahead and open it! lol!
that's okay though.
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