Okay, somebody tell me if some of ya'll are having trouble commenting or is it just nobody has anything to say? I suspect the latter but ever since I took the word verification thingy off I have been having trouble with Blogger and getting tons of spam. One comment on an old post seemed to indicate something wrong? or maybe it's just more spam? If something is wrong somebody email me, please.
Great header photo. It got me to thinking, remembering. Ya know? It has a hopeful feeling too with that glimmer of sunlight.
Hey Erin! thanks! I liked that pic too; I was just about to change it though, for the spring season! lol!
Hi Annie, been out of state for the past week with limited Internet access so wasn't commenting on any blogs. To answer your question we took off the word verification because it was annoying and frustrating for folks to comment. And we have seen Anonymous comments to older posts, but these are only received in our email and DO NOT show up. Comments on a blog post. Apparently, blogger is capturing these anonymous comments and not allowing them to post. We do check the Spam comments it catches because sometimes it mistakenly labels comments for bloggers we know as spam, so we mark the checkbox as "not spam"
Hey Bea! Yes, I took the word verification off because it was annoying people but after I did I seemed to start having a lot of trouble with comments and such. My question was, was there STILL a problem with commenting (maybe an issue I was not aware of) or was it just nobody wanted to talk? I got one comment that seemed to indicate a problem with commenting besides the word veri thing. I didn't know if I had messed something else up in my effort to remove the word verification.
I've just been quiet since my little ranty outburst. Looks like all is well with your comments...
Annie, I was able to comment without any problem. It just may be that folks are quiet - it happens sometimes, also not everyone comments on every post.
Hey Jenn! thanks! hey, ranty outbursts are fine! I do it all the time! lol!
Hey Bea! yeah, there has certainly not been much reason to comment on here lately. Hopefully that will change soon. Thanks!
I have been reading books and not blogs lately. When I do read blogs and leave comments yours is among the first. I do not always leave a comments. I don't want you to take it too personal. We all have blogging stalkers.
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