I built them this new, slightly smaller run so we can keep all young chicks separated from the older ones and may also use it for separating meat chicks from layers etc. I'll show ya'll how we separate them on the inside of the coop in another post. The mornings and noontime have gotten quite hot here lately, so the babies go inside until the shade gets on their run around 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon. You can see them here standing in the doorway; just in case a big bug wanders by they can rush out and grab it!
We have finally installed the metal roofing on the chicken coop and I will show that soon along with a few last details about the coop and run.
Not a lot of exciting stuff going on really. I know it's kinda boring. I've been trying to work really hard on getting my pottery business going and that is taking a bit of time. In addition to making the work, you also have to produce a portfolio to show prospective galleries (digital images etc. resume, gallery visa etc.). Then you have to research these places and find their application forms or just go visit them. And in between all this, design and get printed various promotional items for your work like business cards, product cards, etc. etc. Pain in the butt!! In fact, I threw so long today I did have a pain in my butt and it went all the way down to my knee. Not enough stretches I guess.
On a side note, I have seen where some bloggers make calenders from their blog photos and sell them for a little profit. Well, I was thinking of printing a few select photos from this blog to sell just for framing. Think any of you might be interested? They would be very affordable; maybe $5 for a 5 x 7? If I did I would just add a "Photography" page, like I did the Pottery page, and you could just go there to order which ever you wanted.
Annie, you and Jack sure do keep busy between the garden and the chicks. Nice of Jack to treat them, just means he gets fewer cherry tomatoes to eat :-) It's been hot here too (VA eastern shore) and weeding in the veggie garden has been our focus this week, along with watering cause there's been a lack of rainfall here. I also thought of trying to sell some photos and have matted and unmated 4x6 ones from when I had a little photo card business. Good luck to you if you decide to try selling.
I love your half grown chicken. Too bad you do not know the roosters now for they can be killed early and cooked like Rock Cornish Hens. (8 to 10 wks.)
Tell, Jack chickens, can be used to weed your garden. He sure cares for them well. He could build a portable cage to move them around on the grounds so they can eat wild things. They eat about 25% of their feed this way, so it saves you a little money.
Sounds like you need to get a couple hives of bees going on your property.
As for the calendar photos, I think the recent two cabbages would be a good photo to include.
I think you are right about that middle chick being a rooster. His comb is showing well already. Pretty bunch of biddies without doubt.
That Ed made me laugh out loud. He makes a good point
Hey Bea! thanks! I would think you would certainly be able to sell some of your photos; especially the bird and flower ones.
Yeah, we stay busy for sure! but when you have animals you kinda have to. I think we are going to try to take a day trip soon though for a little fun!
Hey Philip! Yeah, Jack spoils those chickens but he is having lots of fun. I may try to put them in the garden after some things get a little bigger, like the corn, and I have some cages I can put around my tomatoes. I don't think they would hurt much; maybe.
Hey Ed! We have thought about getting bees but I'm not so sure...
I figured I would get a comment or two about the cabbage photos. lol!! Jack took several pictures that day and some of them are...a bit more revealing. He thinks I should print those! I'm not that bold I don't think.
Hey Sissy! Yeah, I figured it would be Ed or Woody to make that suggestion! :D
I'm still hoping that is a hen! Some of my large hens do have a fairly large comb so, maybe!
Chicks are looking dandy, you just need to add some guinea fowl to the mix. Such watch dogs, but you do have Chigger.
Sitting too long is a problem, stretching and sitting on a tennis ball can help stretch out the lateral hip rotators.
tammy in LA.
Annie, You may have to try hand pollenating some of your plants. It worked very well on the plants that I have been growing.
Hey Tammy! sitting on a tennis ball?? well, I may try that. lol! we are actually trying to find some guineas but they are kinda hard to come by in this area, for some reason.
Hey Jim! well, I was seriously considering that, let me tell you. And still might. However, yesterday I noticed several bees busily making the rounds in the garden, especially around the squash, so maybe they are coming around more.
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