You know the kind where the lightning strikes......
the night was long
the night went on
peep's was coolin' out until the break of dawn....
Yes, those lyrics pretty aptly describe last night. We didn't stay up until the break of dawn but did wake up about that time. It was still stormy, with a steady rain drumming on the metal roof. a sound that will lull you back to sleep so easily. So, we snuggled back in bed and snoozed a little more. The storm brought slightly warmer weather with it so there wasn't even the need to go stoke the furnace. I hope the rest of my year plays out so peaceful!
Another reason I choose that song title is because today is traditionally the day for blessing, or wassailing, the apple trees, although I think it's okay to bless all your fruit bearing trees this day. On this day apple cider is poured over the tree roots and ceremonial threats are hurled at the trees to intimidate them into bearing lots of fruit in the coming year. That sounds kinda crazy to us Americans but it's still a fun thing to do! Now, most fruit trees should not be fertilized until spring but I will use today as a benchmark to fertilize my blueberry bushes, which should be done now.
I was doing a little inventory in my mind lately over my fruit stock. I added two new plum trees in 2010 and one new apple to replace one that died. I also added four raspberry bushes and two blueberries. This, to the two fig trees, one apple and two grape vines I already have. None of them are old enough to produce much more than a handful of fruits yet but they should be catching up soon. I hope to clear enough land this year to add two or three peach trees and at least one more apple. I don't care to eat many sweets at all but love fruit, as does Jack, so I hope to really increase my capacity for producing my own.
I hope you all have a fine day spent with loved ones and that your new year is prosperous and fruitful in every way!
*Erykah Badu
Happy New Year to you too!
That rain got here early this am, before dawn.
Very nice.
Hey IR! thanks!!
Hey FC! Great!
And the same good wishes back to you too! It rained most of the day too on the VA eastern shore and so most of the Christmas snow is gone and now there's mud and puddling, but we're in PA!
You have a blessed year, my friend!
I've been thinking about planting some fruit trees at my Mom's, just so I'd have a place to go rob fruit!
It always taste a little better from someone else's tree, ya know?
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