I think one of my major projects for this coming year is to truly start producing a significant amount of my (our) food. Food prices just continue to go up and it doesn't seem that they are going to be going down anytime soon. As a matter of fact, many things point to possible food shortages in our future. Many crop failures here and abroad, the continued decline of pollinating insects, strange and destructive weather patterns, corrupt corporations that control certain aspects of the food chain, and it goes on and on. Add to that the always slightly under the surface possibility of food poisonings from factory farms, even among organic farms. It is my strong belief that if you can grow any amount of your own food you would be wise to do so. And it's something that we need to start now, before things get bad. A garden takes time to develop; those seeds don't become tomatoes overnight!
A lot of people might say I'm being melodramatic or a fearmonger or whatever. I think I'm being more a realist. And I aim to back up my beliefs. I think we are destroying parts of this world through factory farming, both the earth itself and the small communities of farmers that can grow things locally. I've noticed lately that a lot of the people that seem to hug the most trees and squawk the loudest about the earth and helping people etc., often don't actually do much to those ends. They still continue to participate in the old corporate cycle of consumerism and dependency. 'Save the earth and help the little guy but, by God, I better have my tangelos in February! You know, screw The Man and all that but only if it doesn't inconvenience me or make me get my big ass out from in front of this TV'. I don't think that's right. If I'm going to claim to care about our society and this earth, then I need to do what I can to relieve some of that burden. And part of that might be buying a few things from the farmer down the road rather than Big Box Grocery that trucked the food 600 miles to me.
But anyway, even if things never get worse, not much beats a fresh, real tomato picked from your own garden and eaten right there. It's good for the soul. It's time to beat those swords into plowshares.
*Bruce Springsteen
Nice coldframe. Carrots, spinach, and lettuce do well in them, and you can certainly grow alot in that one! Can't wait to see the progress later...
Looks good. I was thinking of something on a small scale at the summer hide away. Just wonder how far they will let me go to fence off from the critters.
Looks good, I've always wanted a cold frame or hot box as I call them. Last yr. I started all my stuff indoors. My 2nd floor isn't finished and gets sunlight, so just started my seeds indoors. I had fresh herbs and still have some of those, I had tomatoes, which I kept on my porch in containers. I also want a good compost box. I tried but can't keep the briars and such out. tsa
Yep...you're a realist. But the big question is...When do you start on your ark? :-)
I totally agree with you, I've been thinking everyone needs to be able to rely more on themselves and not think the government will see us thru any major crisis. We as a whole have lost a lot of simple skills our grandparents had just a few decades ago. My family is prepared to take care of our selves for at least a month if there were any disruption in our grocery stores.It never hurts to have extra stored and the ability to grow your own.
Hey EG! thanks! yes, I planted 2 kinds of lettuce, scallions and carrots. may do some spinach later. I can't wait to see if it does well too.
Hey Jojo! well, go for it; they might let you fence a decent amount if it is kept neat. I don't know.
Hey Anon! thanks! yeah, i need a good compost bin too. I do start all my warm weather crops indoors too. I've never tried growing much out in the cold weather but it doesn't hurt to try.
Hey Richard! ha! now, you know it won't be by water this next time! ;)
the question is, how do I turn my house into an igloo?
Hey Adrianna! thanks! yeah, most people have no idea how to do some of the most basic stuff and that's scary.
You are right, if something happens our government isn't going to be of any help. It is up to us to be prepared. Ya'll are doing good with a month's worth!
I prefer the John Prine song of the same name. Catchier lyrics.
You got that right, Annie, which is why we are enjoying veggies now that Grenville grew the past couple of years and we froze. And, he will be planting some cold weather crops in the greenhouse within the next couple of weeks. We are definitely cutting back on store-bought items this year, but of course still need to buy things we don't produce like milk, eggs, chicken, fish. Growing your own stuff isn't terribly hard, but then lots of folks are lazy and would prefer not to try.
Don't listen to those naysayers! You keep planting, girl! Because you are absolutely right - even if nothing happens, there's nothing quite so good as a tomato fresh picked from your own garden. In fact, we don't eat tomatoes during the winter, because they are so tasteless :).
The thing I like to keep in mind with my "prepping" is that if the worstcase scenario comes to pass, we'll be a little better off, and if nothing at all happens, we'll be a lot better off for having no debt and being (mostly) self-sufficient ;). Either way, I have nothing to lose by having a garden and all that other stuff ;).
Enjoy the snow ... and if you get a chance, send a bit our way. It's been a bleak winter up here ;).
Forget about being a realist,,, Be a Revolutionary and Grow your own food. If you can, raise your own animals too. Nothing like a fresh egg. Our greenhouse experiment is almost ready. Monday will be planting day. Good eating to you.
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