Weeelllllll, all I can say about yesterday is, dang. I think I've just lost my desire to even try to describe such events anymore. I'll just say this: ladies, and guys too really, if you have found a good partner, one that reciprocates your love. One that shares your beliefs and doesn't ridicule or put down your achievements. One that asks you how your day was and actually listens and doesn't ask you 5 minutes later the same question because they were not
even paying attention. Then go find that person NOW and tell them you love them. Heck, go find them now and
show them how much they mean to you. And don't give me that crap about 'well, the neighbors might see or he's out in the barn shoveling poop...whine, whine.' Especially if he's out in the barn shoveling poop! Go get 'em! 'Cause I'll tell you what, you're damn lucky and if that person ups and leaves one day because you sat on your ass and ignored them, you're gonna be hurting.
Let me give you just a little insight into what's out there in the world although I'm sure you are smart enough to suspect such stuff.. And you know, I've thought many times maybe I'm just being too picky. I'm expecting too much out of someone. I've berated myself for years for not being good enough, smart enough, considerate enough and yah, yah, yah, yah. Hey, I know I'm not perfect and have always tried not to judge people by their profession, origin or past mistakes. I've made plenty and continue to. But I don't think this is asking too much. These are Annie's Rules For Dating: and again, these are for dating, not necessarily if you've been with each other for a long time.
1. Don't show up at my house drunk. I think that's all I need to say about that.
2. Don't come to my house and proceed to get drunk unless that was our express plan. Although I must say, that really isn't going to be a likely possibility.
3. If we are going out, don't show up at my house in dirty clothes. Take a freakin' bath and put on clean clothes. Some damn deodorant would be nice too.
4. Do not talk ugly about your mother. aahah! I don't give a shit; don't do it.
5. Do not, as a way of asking me out
for the first time, invite yourself over to eat a dinner that I have bought and cooked and then to have sex with me. I know that this is a shock but my joy in life is not to serve you.
6. If you are over the age of 18, ok, I'm gonna be nice about this one, 21; don't defer all issues of your life to what your mother wants, down to whether you should wear a long or short sleeve shirt out because you're not sure about the weather.
7. Do not tell me that if you take me out on one date that I 'owe' you sex and then, when I tell you to go scratch, try to be nice to me for the next couple of weeks in hopes I'll change my mind. Because, you see, I can still remember what you said 2 weeks ago, dumbass.
8. Don't try to piss down my back and tell me it's raining. i.e. "oh, I'm listed on this site as a Morman, lawyer, alien, whatever but I'm not really. It's just to meet people." WTF? Or, "oh, I own, free and clear, a bunch of beautiful land in a stunning environment but I'm thinking of selling it and moving to some remote location." Ya, and I'm Queen Elizabeth.
9. Don't call me up an hour before you want to go out. I will be busy. I have to give my cat a bath or something.
10. Don't call me up and say you wished we could go out but you can't afford it, you're way behind etc etc. and then in the next sentence, tell me all about how you just got back from Bike Week in Panama City.
11. Do not contact me unless you are completely, totally divorced. I don't care if you have signed the papers or what. I want to see that last signature from the judge.
12. If we go out, do not talk on your cell phone for half of the date.
13. In the same line of thought, don't ask me a question only to start talking about your opinion of it because you really only want to hear yourself talk anyway.
14. If you do not call me for weeks at a time, I will get the impression that you are not interested, so don't be surprised when I say, 'who is this?'
15. Do not tell me if I had my nose fixed I could be really pretty. If you catch me in the wrong mood, your nose is gonna need fixing.
And I could go on but this is becoming depressing. Also, don't give me any lip about well, it's those hooligans you work with (blue-collar) guys and all that. Naw, uh-uh, many of these words and worse proceeded from the lips of white-collar fellows. Now, excuse me while I go fix
myself something to eat...and give Grendal a bath.