Thursday, October 22, 2009


During the recent bouts of rain, and in between face bashings and finger loss, I have managed to work on the window a little more. I have completed the hardest parts I believe, so it should start going a little faster.
You can see the textures in the clear glass a little better in this pic than in the one above. Here you can see where I've had to shim up the copper foil pieces to be level when one end is in the lead came and the other edges are not.
Of course, it helps when you have a good studio buddy to talk to while you are working. He's kinda quiet but is real easy-going. It was cold enough last weekend that I actually had a fire going in the heater for a couple of days. That makes the basement very comfy but Lika actually doesn't like it so I had to move his bed all the way to the other side of the basement in order to entice him to come back in. I don't know if he doesn't like the smell or something or if it just gets too warm for him.

*Nine Inch Nails


Pablo said...

Most dogs I know will crowd the hearth to be near the warmth. Maybe he gets enuf warmth from those Alabama summers (and the warmth of your love).

Island Rider said...

I'm excited. it is starting to come together. Can't wait to see the finished product! Puppy's not a puppy any more!

MamaHen said...

Hey Pablo! I guess he does 'cause he will not go anywhere near that heater unless it is below freezing outside. Crazy dog.

Hey IR! Me too!

kymber said...

Wow - a NIN reference - you are too cool for words!!! love the window btw!!!

countrypeapie said...

That is beautiful! I love the design and the colors. I can't remember -- where are you going to put it?

MamaHen said...

Hey Kymber! thanks! hee, just hope none of my more conservative readers look up the lyrics to that one! ;D

Hey Pea! thanks!! it is going in the bathroom.

Woody said...

Beautiful work Annie

R.Powers said...

Your work is beautiful and wow! your dog is too!

MamaHen said...

Hey Woody! thanks!!

Hey FC! thanks sweetie! Lika looks pretty slick in that photo but days he's been playing in the creek I might be embarrassed to show him!