Anyway, when I get on a roll I can misspeak and offend most anyone. For all the physical talents I have, I am a complete social moron. Anything from the original Switchman story, to flat out offending people just trying to be nice. I have good intentions but we all know what they say about that and everything comes out jumbled up. It's probably the most likely reason I've always been alone and why I feel more comfortable, and competent, creating something with my hands rather than opening my mouth. So, if I say some really stupid crap on here sometimes, just overlook it. Or ask me to clarify. I don't mind and I will not cuss anybody for their comments either, I promise. Even ugly ones. Well, if they're real ugly maybe but not for just regular ugly.
Speaking of hearing funny things though, one of the guys at work cracked me up today. I had to do a little welding this morning and when I finished I was rolling up my leads and such, cleaning up. There was a young electrician working very nearby and he walked over to me. He had never really spoken before so I wondered what was up. He smiled, "They say you can do just about anything.... is there anything you can't do?" I had to laugh. A myriad of things ran through my mind that I cannot do! I joked about not being able to sing or dance and he laughed too. I get comments like that fairly frequently. If they only knew. And I always wonder who 'they' is. Podie started off talking to me with the comment, "They say your Daddy was a superintendent, that's where you learned all this stuff". Nope. If 'they' were my guys, 'they' would know the truth behind that. It's kinda weird to hear yourself talked about like that. Guys I don't know who know me. I've heard some outrageous stuff about myself ( I told ya'll the 'used to be a man thing') Fortunately, that's the most offensive thing I've ever heard. Mostly, to hear them talk, I hold lightning bolts in my bare hands and wrestle bears for fun. Hhhmmm, not too far from the actual truth. I like to think of myself as an adult Pippie Longstockings.
I like to think of myself as an adult Pippie Longstockings.
Oh! That is so awesome! I can see that in you. He he. I loved that book series when I was a child!
Your tomatoes look wonderful. Our backyard garden has small green maters. Hoping they would be ready when the lettuce and spinach was ready for picking - but that happened over the weekend, sadly without ripe tomatoes.
The "guys" here tell me you were Jeremiah Johnson's sister. I think he too was known for rasslin' bears.
Nice pic, your garden looks great.
Thanks for the clarification, I thought what you thought we might have thought.
Make sense?
Hey Erin! yeah, I loved that series too! Sometimes I even wear pigtails!
Hey Beatrice! good to have you here! thanks! I'm very impatient for mine to ripen too.
Hey Ed! ha! well, could be!
Hey FC! yep. makes sense. I figured I had confused several with that one.
Lady, those are some beautiful tomato plants! make mine look kinda puny...
Good luck with the other palnts as well!
What a compliment, in many ways. I like your comparison :) And great tomatoes! I hope mine come along that well...
Hey Jim! thanks! hopefully they will stay beautiful.
Hey Beau! I thought it was a nice compliment too. :)
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