I think that Johnny Cash's "Sunday Morning Coming Down" (written by Kris Kristoferson) is probably a better known song and certainly one of the best country songs written but to me, one of the absolute most depressing songs EVER written and that wasn't what I was going for. So I went with Velvet Underground instead. It is a very gray, slightly cool morning here but very peaceful and nice. Only a very slight breeze is blowing and the woods are very hushed despite the multitude of birds flitting about. For the past 2 days the entire clearing around the house has been inundated with eastern blue birds. I have never seen so many in one spot in my life. I wish I could get some photos but they are very shy if I go out onto the deck so I watch them from the inside. I suppose they are migrating but I'm glad they chose the weekend so I could see them. I need to put up some houses for them next year. The photo is taken from behind a beautiful dogwood tree that grows beside the house. Under it is a feeder that I refilled this morning for the birds and a bath for them also. In the background is the drive and part of the garden on the left.
Just a close up of the dogwood berries. I don't know if birds eat these or not. The pile of rocks at the base of this tree, which was visible in the previous photo, will be part of my project today. As part of installing the heater, I must also start laying the stone that finishes out the exterior of the basement. I started last summer but have a long way to go.
My fall garden is coming along nicely. I think a rabbit got in yesterday morning early and chopped down one of my brussel sprouts. It was just bitten in half! You can see in the top left corner. Sprouts on the left, cabbage on the right. I planted some spinach yesterday also. The okra and peppers (surprisingly) are still going strong.
I'm not sure the variety of cabbage. I've never grown it before and am not sure what I'm going to do with it. I like it cooked fresh and may try to dry some as Molly suggested to use it soups, since I now have a dehydrator! Yea!
Well, I think a lot of my posts lately have been boring or depressing so I may have some funny stories from work for you later. I get tons of questions from people on what it's like to work with so many men, being the only woman on the job. It has led to some hilarious moments to be sure. Men are so funny and cute! How can you not love 'em?!
Everything is looking great. I'm still getting a few tomatoes and peppers. I'm exhausted! Our daughters' wedding is finally over and the kids are back from their homeymoon. I feel like I need a vacation now. lol. What are you going to do with the rocks? I love rocks. Everywhere I go I bring home rocks. My husband always packs lightly because he knows I need space and weight available for my rocks. For Easter one year he and my brothers got me a huge boulder from the creek behind my moms house and hauled it two hours to our house. My daughter just brought me two rocks from Greece where she was on her honeymoon. The perfect gift for me. lol. Just finished mowing the meadow. whew! I can't believe how many critters are feeding on our garden and from the seed falling out of the bird feeders. I am thinking this is going to be a bad winter. I enjoy Sunday Morning Coming Down also but yeah it is a sad sad song. Went to a u-pick place and got 70 lbs. of mixed apples, now have 17 jars of chunky applesauce, 8 jars of apple butter, 5 gallon size bags of chopped apples (in freezer) and am making an apple pie for dinner. I would love to have my own fruit trees. Some day. Have a good one and don't work too hard and as always "I enjoy your blog."
Hey El! the rocks are going to be laid around the underside of the house; I'll have to just show a photo, it's kinda hard to explain.
I love rocks too! I have actually received several as gifts also. Rocks and sticks! Love 'em. lol!
I wish I could find some apple trees around here but haven't had much luck. I have planted 2 but it will be years before they bear. Sounds like you have been busier than me! you get some rest too!
Men are probably overrated, but your blog is not. I enjoy all of your posts.
Thanks Pablo! Oh, I don't think men are overrated at all; well, not some of them anyway!
Have you thought about sauerkraut? I read a book this past year on lactic fermentation and want to give it a shot - I just need to find a big earthenware crock that doesn't cost a couple hundred dollars. Apparently these things are collectors items instead of tools now...
Hey Maya! Yeah, I have thought about sauerkraut too! Love the stuff. The old crocks are expensive; if we were closer I'd throw you one. I have several I've collected but would like to make one since I am a potter. :)
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