Then this spring came. They are so thick you can't walk amongst them without stepping on some. And several different kinds. Only one type is blooming now but the others will each follow in their turn. It's incredible how many there are and makes a beautiful display. So, seems that I did do everything right; I just needed to have a little patience. The flowers will bloom when they are ready.
This past week, for three days in a row, a large hawk has flown over my truck just as I make the last turn in the drive up to the house. Now, I've seen hawks many times in the sky over the house but it's very unusual to see one so close to the house and have him fly so low over my vehicle. He's usually only 10 or 12 feet above me. He's (or she) is very large and beautiful. On the last day I looked up the symbolism for hawks and found that they represent insight and perception. I haven't seen him since that day. Perhaps he left me some the last time he flew over.
*Guns-N-Roses (a favorite band of mine, btw)
Those flowers are gorgeous Annie! I know what you mean about patience, I am always thinking of something on the spur of the moment and wanting to achieve it yesterday LOL!
I've heard about planting wildflower seeds that the first year they sleep, the second year they creep, and the third year they leap!
Very timely post. Patience is a difficult quality to learn. I'm like Molly--I want to get it done yesterday, usually, whatever it is.
Even though I see them a lot, hawks still make my heart glad. Watching them float on the air currents, barely needing to move, so majestic and above it all.
That guy who gave you the 5 lbs of seed--talk about a gift that keeps on giving! I had no idea.
This post made me smile a very big smile -- thank you.
P.S. I like GNR, too. Lee teases me about it. :)
Hey Molly! thanks, I guess most people need to work on their patience!
Hey Pablo! well, if they leap next year I'm going to be covered up!
Hey CE! yeah, I love the hawks and am always thrilled to see one up close.
Hey Pea! thank you too! and yeah, GNR is great. Appetite For Destruction is probably one of the best albums ever.
Many wildflowers require cold weather or even a freeze first to make the seed able to germinate. You can trick them by putting them in the refrigerator first before planting them in the spring.
Hey Ed! Yeah, that was probably it and I had since read about that sort of thing.
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