As far as the birds. I was sitting out on the deck one day, I think Saturday, enjoying the sunshine after eating lunch and decided it was a good day for some sunbathing. So, I was reclining in a chair on the deck and I just about drifted off but was vaguely aware of birds chirping rather intensely. All of a sudden, I felt something jumping up and down on my head, making quite a fuss. I sat up quickly and two little nuthatches flew over to the handrail, not 2 feet from me, and proceeded to give me the evil eye. I couldn't figure out what they were up to. They did it again a few minutes later and then I looked down and saw two little miniature versions of the adults looking innocently up at me from below. Apparently, the babies were on the initial test flight and had landed on the deck for a rest. The young ones were just running all over the deck exploring and ran up to me as well, unaware of the distress they were causing their parents, who proceeded to take it out on me. I just laid back down and ignored the whole bunch and they eventually flew off. The little babies were so cute though with their big, dark eyes peeping up at me. They didn't seem scared at all.
Update! I have received a couple of emails from Fred. Right now he is in Quito, doing fine and seeing some sights. I think Friday he moves on to another city and will be there for a couple of weeks.
I've been working like crazy but don't seem to be getting a lot done, although I know I'm making some progress. Still in a little bit of a funk just due to being overwhelmed and alone too long. We'll see. Got to go to bed now. They did change our hours so I get an extra 30 minutes of sleep in the morning. Woo hoo!!
Sleep is GOOD.
Thanks for clarifying all the mysteries Annie. Now it all makes sense. Damb frozen spoon, damb birds, damb dentist, and that damb Fred. Hope you slept well Annie.
Well bad luck seems to of hit you
rough this go around .Its only life good and the bad .Continuous circle that we hope is more good and less bad .I know you will enjoy that 30 MINUTES OF SLEEP (if you remembered to reset alarm clock )
Though I am sure all that hurt, it is not as bad as I imagined. I thought for sure you had a really bad accident.
If you had held a gun to my head and demanded I guess how Annie may have hurt her lips, I could never have come up with that one!
Hope you heal soon!
I only hope the ice cream was worth the hurt lip! Somehow, I'm thinking it was! I love ice cream!
As the parent of a little girl not quite four years old, I know EXACTLY how those nuthatches felt!
Now if you were a northern gal you would know not to stick you lips on cold steel. This is a lesson kids in this area learn early and remember not to go it again. You must have had really cold ice cream. Did you also suffer "brain freeze" eating the ice cream.
My sister is off to South American alone. She is 69 so not as old as your friend. She went to Ecuador a couple of years ago to help polish her Spanish and then go to Galapagos Islands. This time it Peru to polish her Spanish and then high up to visit Machu Picchu.
I loved your encounter with the Nuthatches and you laid back response.
HEy Jenn! yes, it is.
Hey Mark! lmao!! yeah, damn stuff! I did sleep pretty good but then woke up at my former getting up time; dammit!
Hey Mouse! well, I've had worse bad luck; this wasn't so bad. and yes, i enjoyed my extra sleep.
Hey IR! yeah, I guess it sounded real bad!
Hey FC! isn't that the truth!? the truth doesn't do much to reinforce my degenerate construction worker image! :D
Hey Jim! I love ice cream too and yes, it was very good!
Hey Ed! yeah! well, here's hoping that the worse creatures she ever encounters are as gentle as me!
Hey Philip! well, I've eaten ice cream a gazillion times and I've never froze my lips to the spoon before! :D I couldn't believe it. But no, it did not give me brain freeze; go figure.
Oh! I would LOVE to visit Macchu Picchu! I recently saw a documentary on it and it's engineering marvels. Their drainage system is almost exactly as we use today.
Super cold spoon - ouch, nuff said. Speaking about baby critters it looks like there will be at least one brood of raccoon kits this summer. Chloe, my wild but friendly backyard raccoon is expecting. That will be lots of fun when she brings them by to show off the brood. ATB!
P.S. that weather on satellite looks scarey!
Hey Rusty! I've never seen baby raccoons in real life (plenty of adults however), that would be so cool!
The weather turned out not to be so bad, thankfully.
good to have you here!
Cool story about the birds. Good for Fred too... I sure hope I'm up for that at 84. A ways to go still :)
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