I just love the fact that title is actually a song by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds! Ha!! So, at long last, here is the garden gates and the incredible pain-in-the-arse to do brick paver entry. Actually, the pavers would not have been such a pain had I paid better attention to what I was doing and not let it get out of square. I guess I was so excited about finally hanging the gates that I tried to rush through the other. That is never a good idea. I backed up though and did it right and now everything is square and straight and looks pretty good. The pavers are not entirely finished on the other side however. I need to finish that soon. I desperately needed to be able to close the garden up, what with food growing in there, so getting the gates hanging took priority after the majority of the brick was down.
I am fairly pleased the the gates but I am going to add a few more touches to them. I have some copper plates that I am going to do some stamping on and add and maybe a few other things. Not a lot, but a little more whimsy.
I also have to clean and seal the gates. I will show ya'll shortly how I made the hinges and hung them and how I did the brick area.
So many green things are springing forth from the ground! The weather has been so nice these past few weeks and I am just ecstatic to have been home, working on these things that make me happy rather than slaving away on some construction site. Not that I didn't enjoy my job but I enjoy building for me so much more!
I feel a lot of creative energy stirred up from this project too. I have many ideas for other things and a lot of enthusiasm to finish what I already have started. God forbid I jinx anything but I feel this is going to be a good year.
Wow, the gate is AMAZING!! It has a little bit of the feel of your header beam, too.
Yay you for re-doing the pavers. I'm sure you were just itching to have the "Voila!" moment of getting the gate hung.
In addition to pottery I think you could be making garden gates. I guess they are kind of hard to ship though.
Anyway, Wow!
Wow!! I don't know what I expected, but WOW! You could make a living just making gates!
These gates are like a lot of things you have created. A work of Art. You are just so gosh darn talented!
Beautiful. You are a genius in the three-dimensional world!
Those are beautiful gates! Brick pavers look good, too!
Gates look fabulous! am sure Chigger's supervision of the job made all the difference...you're doing such a great job with your place---keep on!
by the way, my new bowls are most perfect and work splendidly, love everything about them, thanks, P
I bet you could sell them on consignment at Iron & Lace, a place I will stop at first if I ever come into a lot of money.
WOW! Love those gates. I would be proud of myself for a long time to come. And I would be proud to have some of those at the driveway if I had that kind of drive way.
The flowers are so pretty. One of my friends is going to stop by and water the ones on put on the porch. Hope I can get out there by next week to sit and enjoy them.
They are unique, ER. Elegant- bricks and steel.
What is it you have placed at the very top?
What a beautiful entrance for your garden.....That was alot of work, too!
Once more you have brightened my day with something that's a real pleasure to look at!
Really nice to look at, my friend!
Absolutely beautiful!
Wheee! So cool. Lovin' the half circle of grates at the top.
You create so much beauty.
Oh my god!!Those are absolutely beautiful-Jane in Maine(where we still have a ton of snow)
Let me echo the WOW's!!!
It's wondeful Annie.
Aaawww, ya'll make me blush!!! Thank you all very much.
Enjoyed the whimsical touches already on these gates, Annie. The center reminded me of a cycle. Hope they do the trick in keeping out unwanted visitors. They look great. Grenville and I will be working this weekend on relaying a patio area and there's manure spreading involved as well.
My my! Them is lovely gates, EdiRex. Gorgeous. Daffodils too.
I did a post about yore pottery today--come see! First thang I made in that wonderful pie plate was a chicken pot pie--an Uncle luved it!
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