Sunday, March 19, 2006

Workin' On A Building

What with it being Sunday and all, I thought I'd use an old gospel title for today. That's a real old one and kind of obscure I believe, so don't know how many of you will know it. Anyway, its raining here today so we are not able to work on the house, dang it! We almost got all the floor joists up yesterday and would have finished today. Oh well.... Allen wanted to use this pic 'cause it shows his ol' stupid tractor in the background. Just joking, its a good tractor, even if he does pay it more attention than me sometimes. He says its not as much trouble as somebody else he knows. In these pics I am nailing on some temporary bracing to hold the joists. They are a little more sturdy to walk on this way and it holds them at the proper distance apart until you get the decking down.
I'm not sure what I was talking about here but I seem to be discussing something him. These are 14' long 2x10's that are lapped on the middle supporting beam. This section of the house is only about 1,000 sq.ft. so that's why it may look a little small. But we just don't need alot of house. I have had several people question me about this but I see alot of people that have these large houses and only use half the rooms in them. That doesn't make alot of sense to me unless you do alot of entertaining where those rooms are used then. I like to entertain but our parties are just not that fancy.
We worked until after dark because we knew it was probably going to rain us out today. Allen wanted a picture after dark that showed the underside. I'm not sure why. I think he is just thrilled that there is now enough of a house to have an undeside. He keeps trying to convince me that we can just put a tarp up over the joists and move in but I don't know...... it's still a little chilly here at night.

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