So, I haven't been this sorry in a long time. I've laid around and slept most of the time but today I did manage the energy to split some firewood. I actually split a little yesterday but it was basically only enough to last one night. Today I was splitting some more and Allen happen to come down to get a ladder, so he helped me, and now I have enough to last well into next week. Thank God for all those years of hard work that built me up enough to be able to do that kind of work even when I'm sick. I do have a gas heater that I can use, and I did when I was really in bad shape, but I'm getting a little low on gas and am trying to conserve that all I can. I still haven't heard if they are actually going to call me back to work so I am having to keep a very tight budget right now and propane is still pretty expensive. The wood heater has done so well this year as far as helping keep costs down. I normally buy 100 gallons 3 times per winter but this year I'm still on my first 100 gallons. I'll tell you what though; this summer I'm renting a wood splitter and I'm getting all that done and ready before next winter, so I don't have to keep taking time here and there to split more wood. That's a pisser.
We are supposed to get bad weather starting tomorrow, so I'm going to use that time to throw all those orders you people have put in for pottery. Sorry it has taken me so long to get started. I was going to throw last weekend but that is when this crud jumped me.
So, ya'll stay warm, I'll stay warm and hopefully spring will be here soon! Maybe I'll have something to post about in a day or two. Oh, last week sometime I sorted through old posts and categorized some that had previously not been labeled. For those new readers that were wondering about how I got my start etc., you can check out the "herstory" label for more info but I'm still going to do a post with more on that.
Good to see you're still alive and kicking Annie.
I am glad you are feeling better! Stay warm!
Glad you're feeling better! I love that photo!
Welcome back!
I'm glad you're feeling better--those shots will work wonders. We actually got some freezing rain earlier today, so I sent my husband out for bread and milk (a note to your non-Alabama readers: everyone goes crazy here when the forecast calls for bad weather and has to go buy bread and milk). I hope you're warm and cozy this weekend. Thanks for the "herstory" tag.
Hey Everybody! thanks so much! I am staying warm with a big fire going. Grendal is helping too by laying on me. Hopefully I'll be back up to par this next week.
Bee Gees?
I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better, my friend. Nothing bites like feeling bad in the Winter!
Our furry friends getting all cozy with us does help to stay warm, for sure!
Couldn't hurt to make some chicken soup as well!
Hey karl! oh yeah, sorry; it is the Bee Gees!
Hey Jim! thanks man! yeah, Grendal is a pretty good heater! and I'm about sick of chicken soup by now!
I wish you complete healing as quickly as possible. I like your blog I stumbled here and I am glad that I did you seem to be very genuine in the way that you post to your blog.
Kindest regards,
Tom Bailey
Oh, crap, Annie -- I didn't realize you had been sick until just now. I'm glad you're feeling better. I love the picture. Hey, we might be interested in going in on a wood splitter rental with you. Lee is struggling to stay ahead of the cold weather and wants to have it all done over the summer for next year, too. Stay warm, chica.
Hey Tom! thank you very much for your kind words. glad to have you, hope you visit regularly.
Hey Pea! DEAL! on the splitter! we'll have a wood splitting party one weekend!
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