Sunday, January 17, 2010

And Scum Again...

Let me just add that my comments about Mr. Limbaugh and Robertson are really not based on politics or religion or my opinions therein, although I do think they are both idiots in those arenas also. What it boils down to for me is this: I don't care who the person is or what platform they control, anyone that makes light of, profits from or scorns the suffering of other people is a walking piece of shit. I don't care if they are a different religion, sex, race, orientation, profession or whatever or even if they brought it on themselves, the sight of another human (or even animal) in pain should provoke some compassion and if not that at least you should say, God have mercy lest that be me.


Ed said...

I'll have to plead ignorance since I don't listen to either and have no idea what they said. I can only imagine.

Mo said...

I'm with you on this. We can't expect respect/treatment/compassion/understanding/etc unless we are willing to bestow the same to others.

HermitJim said...

These folks have no compassion, as you have to have a heart to have compassion...and neither of these men have one.

Their reward for such behavior is coming sooner or later!

MamaHen said...

Hey Ed! I don't listen to either also but this has been plastered all over the internet.

Hey Mo! that's right and when those two's time comes, nobody is going to care.

Hey Jim! that's right!

Frugal Canadian Hermit said...

I agree with you 100% Annie.

MamaHen said...

Hey Mark! thanks!!

countrypeapie said...

amen sister